The fact you are reading this section suggests that you are planning ahead or that something has gone badly wrong. Whatever the case, the most important thing is not to panic. The following points are aimed at helping you to deal with an emergency.
Make sure everyone is safe – yourself, any casualties, the rest of the group. If one person has hypothermia, the chances are others may have it too. Move to somewhere safe if you have to. Do not become another casualty.
Have one person in charge.
Collect the information you need. Use ‘ETHANE’ as a guide.
- Exact location.
- Type of incident.
- Hazards to rescuers.
- Access to the incident.
- Number of injured / ill.
- Equipment required.
Communicate. The sooner you call for help, the better. Radios and telephones may not work in the mountains. Give your location first (so they know where the problem is). Be accurate.
Treat casualties as best you can. Prioritise care based on how bad each injury is. Basic first aid is OK. Simple splinting and kind words can go a long way.
Make evacuation plans – local transport, carry or helicopter.
Keep everyone warm and safe until help arrives – it could be minutes, hours or days.
Helicopter Landing Zone
Find firm, level ground (or even slope below 10º), about 100 paces in diameter.
Clear loose objects & people from the area.
Mark with 'H' using stones, or use flashing torch or brightly coloured clothing to attract attention.
1 person stand outside zone, back to wind making Y shape with arms.
Do not go to helicopter until told to by the crew.